USD Discovery District seeking Development Partner

Artist’s rendering of USD Discovery District multi-tenant research facility on West Nobel Street Source: USD Discovery District First Building cGMP Study
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The USD Discovery District, an 80-acre contemporary corporate and academic research park under development in Sioux Falls, today announced it is requesting statements of interest and qualifications to select a preferred development partner for one or more research and advanced manufacturing facilities.
The request is available at: Proposals are due 3:00 pm CST April 28, 2017 with preliminary site visits planned April 3 – April 14.
The first anticipated project slated for development will be a +/- 25,000 square foot multi-tenant research facility to be completed by October 1, 2018.
“The demand for research and specialized biotech facilities is growing rapidly and is vital to the type of economic development we want to foster here in South Dakota,” said USD Discovery District president Rich Naser.
In addition to having two potential tenants identified for this first facility, other companies have provided specifications for a biopharmaceutical manufacturing & laboratory facility and an animal research laboratory.
The District and the University of South Dakota (USD) are also seeking creative partnership opportunities to expand the Graduate Education and Applied Research (GEAR) Center. The plans would include wet lab incubator space for private companies, expanded cGMP facilities and additional lab and office space for USD’s growing Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics programs. The expansion would require approval of the South Dakota Board of Regents and state legislature.
The USD Discovery District is a public-private partnership effort between the USD, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, the City of Sioux Falls, the Board of Regents and the business community through Forward Sioux Falls.
The relationship between the District and the development partner is also envisioned as a public-private partnership with the goal of establishing a long-term relationship–although projects will be operated independently.
“We’re looking to engage a strategic partner with expertise and experience, as well as a commitment and business philosophy to help support the rapidly growing innovation ecosystem in Sioux Falls,” said Naser.
The District is seeking firms and teams with a creative and innovative approach to implementing its development agenda, ability to deliver strong financials, as well as architectural, engineering, planning, development, marketing and operational services within a broad range of professional disciplines.
The RFQ outlines several priority activities within the first 90 days including finalizing a program, schematic design and lease estimates for a multi-tenant research facility for anticipated tenants, in addition to selection of a construction partner.
“We plan to move quickly and capitalize on the opportunity to meet the needs of these emerging bioscience companies while developing an asset for our city, region and state that can have lasting impacts on our world,” added Naser.
The District’s Evaluation Committee will review submissions with interviews scheduled for May 16, 2017 and issue notice of intent to award May 19, 2017.
For more information visit or contact Rich Naser at or (605) 275-8010.
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About the USD Discovery District
The USD Discovery District is an 80-acre contemporary corporate and academic research park under development in northwest Sioux Falls. The goal of this urban innovation community is to provide access to research facilities and infrastructure for research business development and spur innovation-driven businesses in an environment for students, researchers, and entrepreneurs. When fully developed, it will include an estimated 26 privately developed buildings and nearly 2,800 people will work for companies in the District.
Anchors for the park include the Graduate Education and Applied Research (GEAR) Center including its pilot-scale cGMP facility, and USD’s Biomedical Engineering Program (BME). The District development is private-public partnership between the University of South Dakota, the Board of Regents, Governor’s Office of Economic Development, Forward Sioux Falls and the City of Sioux Falls.